Our Partners
Partners play a key role in helping us deliver on our mission to increase access and uptake of life-saving vaccines.

New York City, New York
BoardVitals is a leading provider of online board review, maintenance of certification, and continuing education activities for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Bringing together content from major publishers, universities, and leading healthcare providers, BoardVitals provides the largest and most up to date training and assessment platform in medicine. Using machine learning and professional crowd curation, the company is able to update content daily and improve medical knowledge as new information is published.
Board Vitals and Vaccine Ambassadors have partnered on behalf of the children in need of immunization services. In an effort to increase vaccine access to those in need of immunization services, Board Vitals provides corporate donations through their #GiveVax initiative.
For more informational visit, boardvitals.com/givevax

Durham, North Carolina
Duke Interdisciplinary Social Innovators (DISI) is a social impact consulting organization that enables teams of Duke graduate students to partner with non-profit organizations in developing innovative solutions at the intersection of technology, business, and public policy.
Washington, DC
Generations United’s mission is to improve the lives of children, youth, and older adults through intergenerational collaboration, public policies and programs for the enduring benefit of all. For three decades, Generations United has been the catalyst for policies and practices stimulating cooperation and collaboration among generations, evoking the vibrancy, energy and sheer productivity that result when people of all ages come together. Generations United believes that we can only be successful in the face of our complex future if generational diversity is regarded as a national asset and fully leveraged.After meeting at the 2015 IFA Adult Immunization Advocacy Champion Summit in Brussels, Vaccine Ambassadors and Generation United teamed up to promote the awareness campaign, Valuing Vaccinations Across Generations. The campaign uses an intergenerational lens to promote vaccinations across the lifespan. Generations United launched this initiative in 2016 in partnership with The Gerontological Society of America and The American Academy of Pediatrics.
As part of this work, Generations United is currently working with the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute on Gerontology in Japan and the University of Granada in Spain to lead the effort in their countries. Generations United is also a member of the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination Promotion.
For more information visit, bandageofhonor.org

Washington, DC
The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP) is a coalition of international stakeholders who work explicitly to promote handwashing with soap and recognize hygiene as a pillar of international development and public health. The GHP brings together the expertise, ideas, resources, and reach of partners around the world to promote handwashing with soap. Our partners include leading organizations working in the WASH, health, nutrition, and education sectors. The GHP is guided by a vision in which proper handwashing with soap at critical times will be universally recognized, promoted, and practiced as fundamental to good health. We are an advocate and thought leader for handwashing with soap, and we support practitioners by: harnessing the latest research and innovative thinking about handwashing behavior change; engaging stakeholders to include WASH in programs and action plans; and leading advocacy for hygiene.The Global Handwashing Partnership works with Vaccine Ambassadors to raise awareness on the importance of healthy habits that prevent diarrheal disease, whether through supporting immunization campaigns or by promoting the practice of handwashing with soap. Partners since 2016, the GHP and Vaccine Ambassadors magnify the reach of their work by combining their forces to help save lives and improve the health of communities.
For more information visit, globalhandwashing.org

Toronto, Canada
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) works to be a global point of connection to experts and expertise as a means to help influence and shape policy related to older people and population ageing. The IFA began operations in 1973, at a time when trends toward population ageing were beginning to be understood by organizations around the world. The IFA has consistently campaigned for the rights of older people in a diversity of ways, including involvement in drafting key initiatives, participating in and hosting global conferences, and producing our own reports and publications. The IFA has to Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, UNESCO, and other international agencies, and to lobby in support of aging issues in each of these organizations.Vaccine Ambassadors is a member of the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination Promotion, an initiative spearheaded by the International Federation on Ageing (IFA). As members of the Coalition we work with global partners to increase adult vaccination rates throughout the world. A strong multi-national strategic approach to adult immunization is paramount in this effort. Our work with the IFA amplifies the message that immunizations are an important aspect of healthy aging.
For more informational visit, ifa-fiv.org

Ontario, Canada
Immunize Canada is a national coalition of non-governmental, professional, health, government and private sector organizations with a specific interest in promoting the understanding and use of vaccines recommended by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). The coalition’s goal is to contribute to the control/elimination/eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases in Canada.

Matchwell is on a mission: empowering clinicians to control their calendar and facility hiring managers to quickly access clinicians. With Matchwell, clinicians choose the facilities they want to work at and the openings that work for them. No agency middleman, and no bill rates for the facility. Just a simple, transparent, cost-saving approach that’s better for all.
Matchwell has partnered with Vaccine Ambassadors to ensure children around the world have access to life-saving vaccines by donating a vaccine for every match made in the Matchwell platform. Together, we’ve donated over 14,000 vaccines on behalf of the Matchwell community – and we’ve only just begun.
For more information and to see how you can help Matchwell reach their initial goal of 250,000 vaccines donated, visit Matchwell.com

Durham, North Carolina
Meals on Wheels Durham (MOWD) volunteers and staff work together to enhance the quality of life for older adults and other community members who are homebound and unable to provide proper nutrition for themselves. Through daily meal delivery and regular contact with caring volunteers, we strive to support our clients’ health, connectivity, and independence.

Durham, North Carolina
Mutual Drug is a drug wholesaler for independent pharmacies in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. This cooperative is owned and managed by over 500 independent pharmacists in the Southeast region.
In 2014, Mutual Drug partnered with Vaccine Ambassadors to offer the “Protect Someone Else When You Protect Yourself” flu season campaign. Each fall, patrons of participating pharmacies are offered the opportunity to become a Vaccine Ambassador with a small contribution as they pick up their prescriptions or receive immunization services. Pharmacists play an essential role in providing immunizations to their local community.
This campaign helps to facilitate the discussion between the pharmacist and patient on the importance of vaccinations not only at home, but abroad. In addition to their customer’s contributions, many pharmacies choose to show their support by matching donations.
For more information visit, mutualdrug.com

Raleigh, North Carolina
The North Carolina Immunization Coalition is a statewide network that coordinates and supports efforts to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. The N.C. Immunization Branch is a member of North Carolina Immunization Coalition (NCIC), which includes representatives from various organizations including:
- Child advocate organizations
- Health insurance companies
- Local health departments
- Minority advocate organizations
- The North Carolina Division of Public Health
- North Carolina programs related to health and aging
- Medical professionals associations
- Physicians
- Pharmacies
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Senior advocate organizations
- Universities
In 2013, Vaccine Ambassadors became members of the NCIC. Vaccine Ambassadors works with the NCIC and its partners to address local and global needs regarding immunization services. The group shares educational and scientific information on issues relating to infectious diseases and immunizations.
In 2014, Vaccine Ambassadors, NCIC, and the Duke Interdisciplinary Social Innovators (DISI) collaborated on a project to identify immunization coverage by North Carolina counties (100), recommended strategies for healthcare providers to increase immunization rates, and developed a database generator tool, which created a snapshot of county immunization data presented in a graphic format.
For more information visit,

UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, NC
Recognizing the need for education and increased opportunities to receive immunizations, the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) and the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) collaboratively developed Operation Immunization. This was the first service project of this magnitude in the history of APhA or SNPhA.
This program is an immunization education campaign designed to increase the public’s knowledge of immunizations while raising the number of adults receiving immunizations. Participants include all of the APhA-ASP chapters with the help of trained practitioners and other healthcare professionals trained and certified to give immunizations.
The UNC Operation Immunization Chapter has teamed up with Vaccine Ambassadors to spread awareness on the importance of vaccines both domestically and globally. Activities by the group will include advocacy and awareness initiatives, in addition to raising funds for the purchase of vaccines through Vaccine Ambassadors. The UNC Chapter will work with its national leadership and academic faculty to set a model, which can be implemented within the 92 national Operation Immunization chapters.
For more information visit, Operation Immunization

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the oldest international public health agency with over 110 years of experience in working to improve health and living standards of the countries and territories of the Americas (Latin America and the Caribbean). It functions as the specialized organization for health of the Inter-American System. It also serves as the Regional Office of the World Health Organization for the Americas and enjoys international recognition as part of the United Nations system.
For 35 years, the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization has helped the countries of the Americas protect people against some of the world’s worst diseases, including polio, measles, yellow fever, rotavirus and HPV. Through the fund, Member States pool their national resources to procure high-quality life-saving vaccines and related products at the lowest price.
In its efforts to improve health, PAHO targets the most vulnerable groups including mothers and children, workers, the poor, the elderly, and refugees and displaced persons. It focuses on issues related to equity for those who lack access to health care, and on a Pan-American approach, encouraging countries to work together on common issues.
In 2003, PAHO member countries initiated Vaccination Week in the Americas. Since its inception, over 640 million people have been vaccinated under this initiative.
Vaccine Ambassadors and the Pan American Health Organization have created a unique partnership built on an understanding that immunizations are one of the greatest investments we can make in the health of a community. Funds provided by Vaccine Ambassadors are used to procure quality vaccines and the lowest prices for residents in the PAHO Region. By relying on the expertise of PAHO and its partners, Vaccine Ambassadors is able to direct funds where they are most needed.
We would like to thank our partners at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for the use of many of their photographs.
For more information visit, paho.org.

Durham, NC
Samaritan Health Center is a free and charitable clinic providing primary care to uninsured and underinsured community members in Durham and the surrounding communities. We envision a community where all people have what they need to flourish. Through donated talent and resources, we work to help eliminate our community’s health disparities. We provide accessible, holistic health care that focuses on the physical needs, as well as the social, emotional, and spiritual issues that affect health. We are motivated by the love God has shown us through Jesus Christ, and want to respond to His love for our neighbor by providing health care to those who cannot afford it. We are part of the North Carolina Free and Charitable Clinic network.
Samaritan Health Center proudly partners with Vaccine Ambassadors to further equitable vaccine access. Since 2023 we have partnered with Vaccine Ambassadors to increase in-clinic immunization services to our uninsured patients.

Park City, Utah
Supplemental Health Care was founded on March 15, 1984, originally created to give healthcare organizations access to traveling psychiatric and operating room nurses and technicians. Since that time, they have continued to expand their service and geographic footprint.
Today, with of more than 60 local offices in major markets across the U.S. and four national divisions (Travel Nursing, Travel Allied, Supplemental Physicians, and Advanced Practice), they place a variety of healthcare professionals in facilities (hospitals, home health outpatient, skilled nursing, educational, and correctional facilities) from coast-to-coast.
In 2014, Supplemental Health Care launched its philanthropic arm with a partnership with Vaccine Ambassadors. In addition to joining Vaccine Ambassadors’ advocacy and awareness campaigns, Supplemental Health Care has made a long-term commitment to support immunization services by initiating an employee giving and matching program. In 2015, they invited their clients to join them in the #bestholidayever campaign resulting in a gift equivalent to 20,000 vaccines.
For more information visit, supplementahealthcare.com

San Jose, California
Teens for Vaccines Inc. is a nonprofit youth organization founded during the 2019 worldwide measles outbreaks. With teen ambassadors and partners across many states in America, the organization is dedicated to championing easy vaccine access for disadvantaged teens and empowering teens to be champions of public health.Through helping teens with credible vaccine resources, promoting personal stories and parent-teen conversations, organizing educational workshops in collaboration with healthcare nonprofits and state departments, and working with legislators to help pass bills for adolescent vaccine equity, the organization envisions a world where all teens have easy access & can self-consent to life-saving vaccines
Teens for Vaccines is a proud partner of Vaccine Ambassadors in furthering the goal of achieving equitable access and uptake of life-saving vaccines for everyone—one vaccine at a time, one community at a time. Teens for Vaccines has participated in fundraising campaigns by Vaccine Ambassadors to increase access to vaccines for infants and children and we share personal stories to increase engagement and advocacy.
For more information, visit, teensforvaccines.org

Brussels, Belgium
Vaccines Today is an online platform for discussing vaccines and vaccination. Vaccines continue to make headlines around the world and are of great interest to citizens and health professionals alike. The platform strives to provide an interactive forum for informed debate on issues around vaccination, as well as to serve as a source of reliable information, bringing the community of stakeholders together to share their views.
To facilitate an informed discussion that takes all views on vaccination into account, the content of Vaccines Today is produced through interviews with experts from academia, patient groups, and industry experts, along with reports based on scientific literature and conferences.
Vaccines Today works with Vaccine Ambassadors on the common goal of raising immunization awareness. By sharing scientific information and cross-posting articles on our respective blogs, we can reach a wider audience and enrich the conversation. We partner through social media messaging and are both members of the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination Promotion.
For more information visit, vaccinestoday.eu