One Founder's Story
Jackie Kaufman
As a parent living in the United States where vaccines are the routine standard of care, it is hard to imagine that 19.4 million children go without basic immunizations each year and that 1.5 million children won’t live to see their 5th birthday because they lack access to vaccines. In the summer of 2006, I first became aware of these astonishing facts while working on the Global AIDS Project at the University of North Carolina, serving children and families with HIV living in Democratic Republic of Congo.
As a healthcare provider I was astounded by this disparity, as a parent of young children I was humbled and saddened. I had the good fortune of teaming up with co-founders, Eric Montross and Dr. Jacob Lohr, two of the most committed advocates for children’s health. What started out as a conversation with other parents and healthcare providers, evolved into the creation of Vaccine Ambassadors, a philanthropic immunization organization in which every person can be a Vaccine Ambassador to a child and to a community.
As parents, we know the worry we feel when our children get sick. Whether it’s a fever or cough, or something far more serious, we do everything we can to help our children get well and to keep them healthy. Yet, many parents around the world do not have easy access to healthcare services when their children become ill. Prevention of illness through routine vaccination is paramount.
While we often talk in numbers and statistics, we must remember that behind each number (1.5 million deaths) there is a person that will never reach their potential. This is an irreplaceable loss to a family and a community that is no longer whole. All parents deserve the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their child is protected. By becoming a Vaccine Ambassador, you will send a clear message to parents around the world that the health of every child is important.